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Beverly Woods - 2005.02.23 -Tip Jar

From: Matthew Kefford Sent: 03 November 2020 12:22 To: imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad Cc: roddymetanez; Comment Subject: Re: imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad 3 fingers to drag I came here to request this feature too and glad to find it has already been suggested. Mac OS X Hints By Rob Griffiths Dec 6, 2006 4:00 pm PST. As noted in this recent blog, OS X 10.4.8 provides a useful new control-scroll zoom feature. I find myself using this quite a bit, whether.


Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've written a columnhere at Low End Mac, but I've heard from a few people who haveasked me to write more, so I'm back. I'll write columns as I havetime and inclination, and I hope to hear more from you loyalAcoustic Mac fans out there.

I've been spending a lot of time at the border of OS 9 andOS X. My first Mac was an iMac350. Now I've upgraded to an iMac DV 400 so I can have FireWire.

For the last few years I have been running a Western Digital 30GB hard drive in my iMac with separate partitions for OS 9 andOS X. For whatever reason, that hard drive didn't sleepproperly: often when I booted in OS 9, if the machine went tosleep by itself, the drive would 'catch' - it would spin up, catch,spin down, spin up, catch, spin down, not stopping unless Isucceeded in waking the iMac or turning it off.

I was able to get around this by choosing 'Spin Down Hard Drive'from the control strip and then putting it to sleep. But inOS X, it would get stuck in this 'catching' most of the timesI tried to put it to sleep, forcing me to shut the machine off whenI was finished with it - if I didn't want it up and running24/7.

That dampened my enthusiasm for booting in OS Xconsiderably. Result: Until the last month, I was booting inOS 9 almost all the time.

I knew Apple had pronounced OS 9 dead. My answer to that was:'Not until you make something that works better for me, it'snot!'

I believe we may have finally reached that point.

It's been a long slow road for some aspects of OS X to reallyget smoothed out and worth using. Near the top of my list of thingsthat still don't seem to be really up to spec is the support forApple's own dialup modems and Internet Connect over dialup ingeneral.

Apple, if you're listening, there are lots of us out here inrural dialup land who are still trying to use this technology. Itis simply not acceptable for a basic function like Internet Connectto fail to work fairly often, and then in too many cases, require arestart to get rid of the endless 'Disconnecting . . .Disconnecting . . .' status.

As anyone who is still using OS 9 has noticed, lots of thingsstill work very well, including Remote Access for dialup users.Subscribing to the 'if it ain't broke' school, as I do, I've beenpretty happy with most of the functionality of OS 9 for mostof the things I do.

The one all too significant exception is the continuingdeterioration in usability of the Internet from OS 9browsers.

I don't know what the heck they're doing out there in JavaScriptland, but there are more and more sites that either load likemolasses in January (and let me assure you that here in NewHampshire this January's molasses was extra slow) or just won'twork at all.

Here I have to insert a note of chastisement to PayPal, which last year discontinued supportfor most OS 9 browsers and (according to their tech support)all versions of Internet Explorer. Maybe this move on their partmade sense, except that they didn't bother to post any notices ofthis change on their site, leaving thousands of users to muddlethrough - 'What's going on? It worked last week!'

I had been using iCab withsuccess for 99% of my OS 9 browsing, but PayPal changedsomething so that although iCab could log in just fine, any attemptto pay by credit card dumped me instead into the 'Add a BankAccount' screen. I finally switched to Mozilla forOS 9, which works - except that it takes about 20minutes to pay for something that way: each page takes severalminutes to load. Kind of removes the 'convenience' idea.

Recently I finally got around to buying and installing a newhard drive, and I am now running OS X 10.3.4. I have theupdates to go to 10.3.7, but I had such serious problems withInternet Connect in 10.3.5 and 10.3.6 that I decided to stick with10.3.4 for now.

The new hard drive sleeps beautifully, and I have plenty ofspace (120 GB set me back 20% of the price of my first external1 GB drive back in 1997). I booted in 10.3 and have hardlybeen out of it since.

The last few weeks I've been very busy figuring out my new workroutines and what software to use. I've been very happy with theOS X browsers I'm using: currently my browsing is splitbetween iCab and Firefox.

iCab was ahead to start, as I'd been using it in OS 9, butas new extensions are added to Firefox it may be edging ahead. Inextensions, I am especially fond of FlashBlock, which stops auto-loading of Flash-basedadvertising on web pages (ugh!), and Nuke Anything, which instantly removes any offendingitem from any page - a wonderful feature that should be availablein every browser.

Most of the other applications I depend on will run fine inClassic mode. [ld45]candy for nothing! mac os. Syndactyly (hjh) mac os.

Here's another little pet peeve: the Epson printer drivers arebetter in OS 9/Classic than they are in OS X. For instance,the OS X drivers will only allow printing in color for manyEpson printers - you can't choose to print in black even for aplain text document. This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed. Somuch for staying in OS X and not launching Classic - I findmyself copying documents I wrote in OS X into Classic apps soI can print them without using up my color ink.

Because I'm running Classic all the time, I haven't had toswitch my email program yet, although the day is coming. I am stillusing (gasp!) Outlook Express 4.5.

I've downloaded a number of email programs, and I'm still notcertain which one I'll go with, although Thunderbirdmay be a good possibility.

Why not use Apple's Mail, you ask? There are several features Iwant in an email program, and Mail does not have them all. And Iruled out one other email program because I want to be able toremove an attachment while keeping the rest of an email, and itwouldn't let me to do that.

How to shred it mac os. Next time: OS X Freeware I Wouldn't Want to Be Without

Acoustic Mac articles ©2001-2005 by Beverly Woods. �Low End Mac is an independent publication and has not been authorized,sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc. Opinions expressed arethose of their authors and may not reflect the opinion of CobwebPublishing. Advice is presented in good faith, but what works for onemay not work for all.
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